Activated charcoal toothpaste has been popular over the past few years on social media—but is it good for your smile? Today our North Delta dentists explain why they recommend against charcoal toothpaste and some other options you can use to brighten your smile instead.
What is charcoal toothpaste?
Charcoal can be made from a variety of substances such as peat, coal, or wood. Activated charcoal is made by heating charcoal in the presence of a gas. This process causes the charcoal to develop an abundance of small internal pores. These pores help activated charcoal trap chemicals, which is why it is often used in attempts to absorb toxins in the stomach.
Recently, activated charcoal has become an additive found in a variety of products including makeup, face wash, and toothpaste.
When it comes to toothpaste, the addition of charcoal is intended to lift stains on your teeth and make them appear whiter and brighter.
What will activated charcoal do to my teeth?
One of the reasons many dentists recommend against charcoal toothpaste is that there is no substantial evidence that proves charcoal works to whiten teeth.
Furthermore, charcoal has an abrasive texture that may cause permanent damage to the enamel of your teeth, which can lead to further staining and more serious problems like cavities and tooth decay. It can also worsen tooth sensitivity, so anyone with pre-existing sensitivity issues will especially want to avoid charcoal toothpaste.
What are some effective options to whiten my teeth?
The number one way to maintain a white smile is to be consistent with your oral health routine. Regular flossing and brushing with a toothpaste and toothbrush approved by the Canadian Dental Association (CDA) are key. You should also regularly visit the dentist for a professional hygiene cleaning and dental exam.
To help maintain a white smile you may also want to limit eating and drinking foods or beverages that can stain your teeth, such as red wine, coffee, dark-coloured beverages, and chocolate.
If you maintain your oral health but are still looking for a brighter smile, our dentists recommend professional teeth whitening treatments as a way to safely brighten your smile without damaging your teeth. Retail stores also sell bleaching products that are recognized as safe by the CDA.
Our dentists can help you keep your smile healthy. If you're unsure about which teeth whitening method would be best for you, contact us - we can do a thorough oral examination and help you decide.
Are you looking to brighten your smile? Make an appointment at our North Delta dental office to see if you'd be a good candidate for our teeth whitening services.